Streets of Chicago

Streets of Chicago

Recently, I was blessed with the opportunity to join my girls and fly out to Chicago to see a really great friend get married.

No only did the gospel shine bright through the wedding ceremony, but we had opportunities to share the gospel where ever we went including the streets.

Some of the girls and I went out and did some touristy stuff and because it was getting late we were told we should head back to the loft soon because it gets really dangerous.

As we headed back to the train we were stopped by this sweet lady with fake leg.

She asked for money.

Always hesitant when I come across people asking for money. I offered to go back up the street where the stores and restaurants were with her to buy her something on my card.

She quickly changed her mind, like she felt bad for even asking us for money.

Then we asked if we could pray for her at least.

She was totally willing for prayer.

Baffled that she wouldn’t take our offer of buying her something we began to gather and pray for her.

I feel like when I pray for people it blesses me more than blesses them, but we prayed and she would squeeze my hand every time what was said hit home.

I am pretty sure what I said wasn’t powerful, but I knew that God was with us.

A friend of hers came up and started to share her needs with us. She kept denying our help, but as we walked away one of the girls with us felt so convicted because she said she didn’t have cash when she did.

All of a sudden, our friend went missing.

After passing some dodgy people we began to freak out because we couldn’t find her anywhere.

Remember we are in the streets of Chicago at night.

We quickly retraced our steps and found her at the corner yelling at this homeless woman we just prayed for across the street. She said she had something for her. Well as this woman tried to make her way back across the street slowly she almost got hit by a speeding car.

She made it across, money was given, and we were all blessed by what happened.

Not sure what will happen to her, but we all felt she was well taken care of and that the good Lord was with her.

She really encouraged me and blessed my heart when I prayed for her.

I always feel like moments like this bless me more than I get to bless them.
Either way God is our provider, our comforter, and our perfect loving Father.

Lets show the world who Jesus is not just with what we say, but how we live and not just how will live, but by how we are being transformed each day by the truth of the gospel. The good news that our sins have been paid if full and we can walk in the newness, the freedom, the grace, and love of a sovereign Holy God who loves us.

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